

Once you are offered and accept a position, your supervisor will provide you with a link to the 授权聘用表格. 一旦完成并由学生提交, the form will automati呼叫y route to the Supervisor identified on the form for their review and approval. 请参阅我们的 雇佣学生工人的工作流程 了解更多我们的招聘流程.

You cannot begin working until you receive an email from Pitzer 人力资源 indicating that your hire form has been processed.


Students who are first-time hires (meaning they have never worked at Pitzer before, (在任何职位)必须完成一些要求,除了 授权聘用表格 在开始工作之前. 此信息必须通过以下方式在线填写 工作日Pitzer的人事档案系统. 需求包括 i - 9文件 (未过期的文件原件),I-9表格, W-4 联邦预扣税表,以及 DE-4 州所得税扣缴表见 收益 & 税 欲知详情


You are required to present legal documentation verifying your eligibility to work in the U.S通过提供 可接受的I-9文件. 请注意你必须出席 未过期的正本文件 在招聘过程中; 影印本恕不接受. 如果你不能提供文件证明工作资格, 请与人力资源办公室联系,看看你的选择.

U.S. 公民 & 符合条件的非公民 可以提供诸如U.S. Passport/Permanent Resident Card or a combination of a Driver’s License/State Issued ID and a 社会保障卡. 参考 可接受的I-9文件 要查看完整的列表.

DACA学生 can provide a copy of their Employment Authorization Document (aka work permit). 工作许可证上有你的照片, 还有你的名字和其他信息, 比如你的工作许可证到期的日期.


You are required to present legal documentation verifying your eligibility to work in the U.通过提供可接受的I-9文件. 请注意你必须出席 未过期的正本文件 在招聘过程中; 影印本恕不接受.



持有F-1签证的国际学生可以在校内工作. 学生必须首先获得社会安全号码(SSN)。, which they are eligible to receive when offered employment at Pitzer or any of 克莱蒙特学院. 无薪实习或志愿者工作不符合领取社会安全号的条件.

The purpose of an SSN is for the government to track earnings for income tax purposes.


  1. The hiring supervisor is to provide you with an offer letter to confirm your employment offer. 联系你的招聘主管 国际项目办公室 如有需要,请填写录取通知书模板.
  2. 在收到就业确认信后, forward your letter to the 国际项目办公室 to request an F-1 status verification. 为了获得更多的支持和指导,学生应该预约 托德佐佐木Pitzer的国际学生顾问.
  3. 完成一个 社会保障卡 应用程序.
  4. 把下列文件带到当地 社会保障办公室:
  5. Offer/工作证明信
  6. F-1身份验证信 
  7. 有效护照 
  8. 社会保障卡申请
  9. 表格i - 94
  10. 形式I-20


领取社会保障卡大约需要两周时间. 然而, 一旦你从政府部门获得了社会安全号码, 你可以和人力资源部和, 一旦“获准工作”, 可能开始工作.



While attending Pitzer College, working students are subject to two tax authorities. 首先是 美国国税局 (IRS),美国政府的税务部门. 第二种是 加州特许经营税委员会 (FTB),加州州税务机关. It is essential that international students studying in the United States comply with the taxing regulations that apply to their status.

Failure to pay required income tax when due can subject an international student to additional fines and interest imposed by the IRS and can potentially impact future travel to the US and immigration benefits including work visas and green cards.

遵守U.S. 税法很复杂. 协助填写和归档这些表格, 学院购买并为你提供Sprintax的使用权, a software program for the preparation of non-resident tax returns for both the federal and state income taxes. 使用Sprintax时, there is no charge for the completion of the documents required for your federal filing obligation. 填写加州文件需要收费. 在春季学期留意电子邮件来获取你的登录名.

The following is provided to help international students better understand the U.S. 税收制度.


U.S. 纳税人分为两类-

  • 纳税居民
  • 非居民纳税


纳税居民是美国人.S. 公民及合法永久居民(绿卡持有人). 大多数在美国的非移民.S. 工作签证——H-1、L-1、TN等. 也可以通过申请实质存在测试来纳税吗. 为什么这很重要?? 美国居民纳税.S. 对他们的税收 全球收入.

F-1 International students are allowed to claim exemption from applying the Substantial Presence Test for 5 years and thereby are classified as non-residents for taxes. 见下文值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台5年计算的补充说明. 在这5年的每一年申请这项豁免, 每位F-1学生都必须填写并提交IRS表格8843, 获豁免人士声明书. 请注意,这是一份信息文件. 这实际上并不是一份纳税申报表.     


  • 这5年是累积的.  如果你以前在美国学习过.S. 持F-1签证参加高中或其他短期项目, 这个时间会加到你现在的F-1时间里.
  • 无论你在美国呆了多少天.S. 持F-1签证一年内被认为是全年.  For example, if your first arrival as an F-1 is August, then that is year #1 of your 5 years.    


如果你从美国政府获得了任何收入.S. 在美国学习期间,我获得了很多资源.S.在美国,这笔收入可能需要缴纳联邦和州所得税.  什么是应纳税所得额? 以下是一些常见的应税收入类型.

  • 金融援助 – Any Pitzer College 金融援助 that exceeds the cost of tuition and fees and other required classroom expenses – books, 实验室的费用, 等. -是应税收入. Information on this income is reported to you on a 1042-S form which will be sent to you by U.S. 邮件,通常在二月. 在你的校园邮箱里寻找它吧.
  • 校园就业 - If you have an on-campus job and receive a paycheck, that is taxable income. This income is reported on a W-2 form which you will access through 工作日 after January 30th 每年的.
  • 其他应纳税所得额 – Other types of taxable income are royalties, honorariums, financial prizes from competitions, 等. For this type of income, sometimes the payer has withheld taxes, sometimes not. 付款人可能会给你一份报告表,1099-Misc表也可能不会. 不管你是否收到报告表格, you are still required to report the income on your tax return and pay any resulting taxes.


假设你不是纳税的居民, it is strongly recommended that you use the Sprintax software to prepare your tax documents. There are other complicated aspects of non-resident tax calculations that are not discussed here including factoring in possible tax treaties between your country and the United States, determining if you are eligible for a refund of Social Security tax withheld in error, preparing other state tax returns if you worked outside of California while on an internship, 等. Sprintax软件提供了这些额外的计算或回报.


无论你是使用Sprintax还是自己准备纳税申报表, 请注意,这些文件必须邮寄到相关的税务机关. 没有电子申报非居民纳税申报表的功能. The due date for filing is April 15 for income received during the previous calendar year. 有时,这个日期会因节日而延长.


Please note that the 美国国税局 will NEVER 呼叫 you about your taxes. 所有与国税局的联系都是通过邮件. Never give out any information about yourself to any 呼叫er who claims to be from IRS and who asks you for personal information or threatens you in any way. 请挂断电话! If you do receive any inquiries in the mail and have any question as to whether the inquiry is legitimate, 你可以把论文拿到国际办公室做进一步分析.


一定要保留你的纳税申报表的副本/记录. Information from previous year returns is helpful in preparing returns is succeeding years. 除了, it is highly probable that when applying for future immigration benefits you will have to prove that you have complied with all the tax laws of the US while you were studying. This includes retaining records of having filed the 8843 for those years when you had no income from US sources while studying.


International students who are been offered a job must apply for a Social Security Number through the Social Security Administration. 获取更多指导, 国际学生也可以预约托德佐佐木, Pitzer的国际学生顾问.




The Office of 人力资源 provides support services and resources to our faculty, 教职员和学生雇员, 对求职者也是如此. 我们提倡有意义的工作环境, 员工受到重视, 在这里,多元化和团队精神受到欢迎. We promote equal opportunity and fair employment practices pertaining to all conditions of employment.


周一至周五,上午8点至下午5点. 全年开放,学院法定节假日除外.